Astro Pearl and Astro Diamond software is used by Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP)astrologers all over the world to make accurate predictions on various events for their clients. The calculations of the planets and houses, KP Significators, Special Significator are unique to assist budding and experience KP astrologers alike. KP Muhurta will assist you in order to forecast events for your clients and to determine the most auspicious dates to celebrate events like weddings, housewarmings, careers, and other milestones.
Install the program as Administrator by double clicking the Setup file downloaded from the or from the link sent by us.
It installs the software on the selected folder by you and creates a shortcut icon on your desktop and Startup folder
In case of Antivirus trying to block the installation, choose “Allow”
Double click on the Astro Pearl / Diamond icon and the software will be launched. It does not normally require the restart of windows.
If you still have problems with opening and running the software
Restart your windows
Close down all programs, including your browser
Now double click on the Astro Icon. Pearl version has a golden yellow icon, the Subscription version has a Magenta color icon.
Although Astro Pearl / Diamond cannot be directly installed on Mac, it is possible to use it on this platform by installing the software on a virtual machine on Mac which has Windows OS loaded in the VM. Efforts are being made to create cross-platform software that will be compatible with Mac, iPhone, and Android. The Mobile users can use Insta-Predictor and Insta-Predictor Pro available on Google Play store.
A detailed subscription process is provided on You can click the product on the home page for getting more details on how to subscribe and renew.
ASTRO software has a feature that allows you to create a backup of your data on your computer or on an external hard drive/pen drive and subsequently recover from it. In order to assure restoration in the event of a complete failure of Windows on the computer, the backup can also be taken directly to the portable disc. Taking backup and restore is a very easy process in ASTRO. Do back up at regular intervals.
On Utilities Menu on the main Menu bar, click on ASTRO DB-Backup for the backup of the database and Astro DB-Restore for restoring the same. You can take a back up on an external pen drive/hard drive and keep it in a safe place. In case of crash, restore from the backup drive.
Enter your login information at extensions and product changes. You will be logged into your account after confirming with an OTP, where you can modify the product subscription renewal to upgrade from Pearl to Diamond and to downgrade from Diamond to Pearl. The detailed conditions of renewal and product change are provided in your login.
You can raise a ticket through by registering your complaint. You can track it through the generated Ticket ID. It is always advantageous if you give a detailed description of the issue you are facing with. Alternatively, You can contact us by sending a mail to for any issues with the subscription or technical problems in the usage of software. In case of issues to be resolved on your computer, a Support Staff will reach out to you over phone and you have to provide the remote access through software like Zoom, AnyDesk etc.
You can subscribe ASTRO Pearl or ASTRO Diamond our world famous software by visiting the following website link:
In case of any of the above, ASTRO software may stop working as a unique key is provided for each product for your computer. The one time change of the hard disk/computer crash/windows upgrade is allowed and you can follow the process of reinstalling and obtaining an automatic new key for your ASTRO software. The instructions are available in your login.