Three ACES for Successful Horary Astrology
Three ACES for Successful Horary Astrology
Author: Rajendra
Published On: Diwali 2015, 10th November 2015
Most important trump card of Krishnamurti paddhati is horary astrology and astrology based on KP number. The basic premise on which efficacy of this method is assured is accuracy of time at which the matter is taken for judgement. All of us are aware about the incorrectness of birth time and the rectification work involved in doing so. There are genuine difficulties in noting the correct birth time of a child even though it is possible to have most accurate clock at the time of birth of child near the delivering mother. Normally, obstetrician has to focus on safe delivery of child and take care of mother and child and not noting down the birth time which is left to ward boys or nurses. Further, the noting of birth time may take a couple of minutes from actual birth time of baby and it may also happen that watch of the ward boy may be few minutes running behind time or a few minutes ahead of time compared to the standard time shown by the most accurate clock in the world. The three ACES for successful horary astrology are 1. Framing the Question properly. 2. Taking the Horary Number correctly and 3. Moon connectivity. In this article all three aces are explained in detail and astrologers following the tips given will reduce their error margins drastically .
About Author: Rajendra Nimje is founder President of KP Astrologers Forum India. He has experience of over 25 years in KP astrology and has founded 'Sub-Harmonics' for accurate KP predictions.